Editorial Independence and Donor Transparency Policies

Editorial Independence Policy

The Atlanta Press Club is not a news organization. However, we believe any editorial content we produce through our newsletter, website, social media, events or other materials should follow journalistic and ethical principles.

Donor Transparency Policy

We accept gifts, grants, sponsorships and donations from corporations, individuals, organizations and foundations to help with our general operations and programming.

Our organization’s acceptance of financial support does not constitute implied or actual endorsement of donors or their products, services or opinions. Decisions and judgments about content we produce are made independently and not based on donor support.

Our organization may accept gifts, grants or sponsorships to support the coverage of topics or special projects or programs, but we maintain control over the editorial content. We reserve the right to hold or distribute (whether in physical or digital media) all events, programs, presentations, advertisements, banners, newsletters, websites, videos, social media platforms, etc. without required authorization by outside entities.

Our organization’s website and/or promotional materials such as advertisements list corporate donors and individuals who sponsor our events at $1000 or more. We do not accept gifts that would compromise or infringe upon the journalistic or ethical standards of our organization and its operation, or the editorial content arising out of such operation. Unrestricted anonymous gifts may only be accepted by our organization pursuant to safeguards that assure that the expenditure of such gifts follow journalistic and ethical standards and the guidelines of this policy.

As a member organization, we respect our members’ rights to reserve their privacy and anonymity if requested. A list of individual members is accessible to members through the directory on our website. 

We will not accept donations or offer membership to/from sources or persons that present a known conflict of interest to our work or that would compromise our journalistic and ethical standards.